Hot Topic: The 2022 Midterms - Dr. G. Terry Madonna gives us the scoop

Hot Topic: The 2022 Midterms - Dr. G. Terry Madonna gives us the scoop

G Terry Madonna
Friday, October 14, 2022 - 12:00pm

Join us for Hot Topic:The 2022 Midterm Election on Friday, October 14, 2022, Noon via Zoom to hear Dr. G. Terry Madonna present on national and Pennsylvania politics, with an update on Pennsylvania’s important open-seat U.S. Senate and Governor’s elections. Dr. Madonna,  a nationally recognized political analyst and media commentator,  will  also assess the impact President Biden’s standing with the voters will have on the Midterm as well as the important issues before the voters.

Currently, Dr. Madonna is a Senior Fellow in Residence for Political Affairs at Millersville University. Prior to returning to Millersville University he was Director of the Center for Politics and Public Affairs at Franklin and Marshall College where he directed the Franklin & Marshall College Polls. 

The Hot Topic presentation is FREE but to receive the link to the Zoom Virtual Presentation via email you MUST register. 


For additional Voter Information visit League of Women Voters:

Event Contact: Olivia Thorne, President of LWV Delaware County ILO and Membership Chair of the LWV of Central Delaware County -  email olivia.thorne [at]

NOTE: This Hot Topic presentation is the fourth in the LWV CDC Election Series for Fall 2022.