U.S. Census
The U.S. Census is required under the U.S. Constitution to occur every 10 years and is the process of counting all persons living in the United States and five U.S. territories.
Why it matters
The census is used to determine the number of Representatives each state receives in the House of Representatives. It is also used to determine federal funding levels for programs at the state and local level, such as housing, transportation, infrastructure, fire, police, EMS, schools, and more.
If residents are not accurately counted, our communities will not be properly represented in Congress plus an undercount would deny our communities vital funds that we need for roads, schools, hospitals, programs for the poor, the elderly, and children, and other critical services. It is critically important that all residents including noncitizens are counted.
Companies in many industries use census data to make decisions on where to locate their facilities, so an inaccurate census count could cost us jobs.
What we’re doing
The League of Women Voters believes it is important to share the results of the 2020 US Census and to be a watchdog for our local communities concerning the impact of the census data within our communities and especially its impact on voting and redistricting.
U.S. Census Bureau - CLICK HERE
What can you do
Help our League educate communities on sharing the census data through locally based, targeted outreach efforts.
Watch the video How to Visualize the 2020 Redistricting Data for Your Area CLICK HERE Check out the 2020 Census Demographic Data Map Viewer
To get 2020 Census results sign up here.
To get America Counts: Stories Behind the Numbers sign up here
Watch Data GEM Videos CLICK HERE
For additional information contact our League Member, jodinemayberry [at] comcast.net (Jodine Mayberry,) Legislative Advocacy Committee Chair