The League of Women Voters believes that natural resources should be managed as interrelated parts of life-supporting ecosystems. As citizens of the world we must protect our planet from the physical, economic and public health effects of climate change while also providing pathways to economic prosperity.
Why it matters
Resources should be conserved and protected to assure their future availability. Pollution of these resources should be controlled in order to preserve the physical, chemical and biological integrity of ecosystems with maximum protection of public health and the environment.
What we’re doing
The League promotes resource conservation, stewardship and long-range planning, with the responsibility for managing natural resources shared by all levels of government for maximum protection of public health and the environment.
Policies that reduce energy growth rates, emphasize energy conservation and encourage the use of renewable resources are strongly supported by the League, as well as promoting policies that manage land as a finite resource and that incorporate principles of stewardship.
Read policies of the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania, which are supported by our Delaware County League CLICK HERE.
Advocate for local governments within Delaware County to adopt the LWV Climate Emergency Resolution - CLICK HERE.
The Central Delaware County League Local Program states: NATURAL RESOURCES: Support management and protection of natural resources in the public interest, including planning, land use, environmental quality and safety in our communities.
- Preservation and protection of open space for public use and monitor enforcement of land use ordinances.
- Advocate for renewable clean energy resources.
- Monitor legislation that impacts the environment within Delaware County.
- Join the LWV of Delaware County Environmental Committee efforts with that of the LWVPA and LWV Delaware County and other environmental groups.
Created and Maintains the Delaware County Environmental Clearinghouse envirodelco.org
Click Below To Watch Video: Mariner East 2 Pipeline Facts in 3 Minutes
Click Below To Watch Video: Environmental LNG RISKY BUSINESS in Delaware County, PA
Click Below To Watch Video: Pipelines, Pandemic and the Environment - LWV-CDC Hot Topics Presentation
YouTube Link
Download Slides from Hot Topic Presentation:
Pipelines, Pandemic, and the Environment
Pandemic Impact on the Environment Resources:
- Coronavirus Impact on the Environment - Infographics and details
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Articles on Impacts of Pandemic
What can you do
Review the resources linked below, join an environmental group and advocate with elected officials to protect the environment.
Pennsylvania League of Women Voters Environmental Resource Guides and Studies
LWV PA - Shale Gas Extraction and Public Health Resource Guide
The Straight Scoop on Shale - LWV Conference videos
- Pipeline Safety Trust – Site for valid information
- Pipeline Safety Coalition – Local site with good resources
- Middletown Coalition for Community Safety - Join their blog for the latest updates in Delco area
- Chester County Pipeline Information Center – Local county information and more!
Watch the Video: LWV-CDC Jeannette Ross Environmental Lecture - Natural Gas on the Move NGL or LNG: Pick Your Poison (April 2021) CLICK HERE
Watch the Video: LWV-CDC Jeannette Ross Environmental Lecture - New Developments in Sustainability and Environmental Health (March 2022) CLICK HERE
Presenter Contact Information:
- Melissa Muroff - 610-891-4292 and muroffm [at] co.delaware.pa.us. Environmental Crimes Unit - Press Release - Click Here
- Francine Locke - lockef [at] co.delaware.pa.us Office of Sustainability - Click Here Data and Mapping Portal - CLICK HERE
Watch the Video: LWV-CDC Jeannette Ross Environmental Lecture - Environmental Health Priorities in Delaware County (March 2023) CLICK HERE
Presentation Slides - CLICK HERE
Presenter: Ruth McDermott-Levy, PhD, MPH, RN, FAAN examines threats to environmental health in Delaware County, particularly Chester City, including trash management and natural gas pipelines; health implications; and potential actions for residents targeting prevention and mitigation.
Watch the Video: LWV-CDC Jeannette Ross Environmental Lecture - Plastic Pollution Crisis in Pennsylvania (March 2024) CLICK HERE
Presenter: Kathy Cook is a volunteer speaker for Beyond Plastics, an organizer for the Chester County Environmental Alliance Single-Use Bag Ban Coalition and a Board Member of League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania (LWV) plus a member of our LWV of Central Delaware County. She shares information from Beyond Plastics, a national organization dedicated to educating the public about plastic pollution and promoting solutions. She discusses the plastic pollution crisis in Pennsylvania and how we all can be a part of reducing the amount of plastic in our environment. Kathy Cook Email kathy.cook [at] palwv.org
Beyond Plastics www.beyondplastics.org/ & Plastics and Human Health Fact Sheet CLICK HERE & Additional Fact Sheets CLICK HERE
Presentation Q & A Document with links to resources, legislation and answers to submitted questions - CLICK HERE
PA and Local Government News & Contacts
Delaware County – DA’s Office - Environmental Law - Delaware County prosecutors turn to a new target: Environmental crime & Environmental Crimes Unit Information/Press Release
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
- PA Environmental Digest Newsletter (Best one-stop shop for PA)
- Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Citizens Advisory Council
- PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR)
- Advocate on behalf of the environment by contacting elected officials Click Here for PA General Assembly Contacts
What’s Next - for the Delaware River and More
- Proposed Repauno Port Development - Greenwich Township NJ
- Gibbstown Logistic Center
Pennsylvania Coastal Resiliency - Sea Level Rise - Major Impact on the Delaware County Communities of: Chester City, Darby Township, Eddystone Borough, Folcroft Borough, Lower Chichester Township, Marcus Hook Borough, Nether Providence Township, Norwood Borough, Prospect Park Borough, Ridley Park Borough, Ridley Township, Sharon Hill Borough, Tinicum Township, Trainer Borough, Upland Borough, and Upper Chichester Township
Good Groups to Join – (Need to Unify!)
- Delaware Riverkeeper Network
- Chester Residents Concerned for Quality Living (CRCQL)
- Clean Air Councilhttps://cleanair.org
- PA Forest Coalition – State Parks and Lands DCNR
- PA Environmental Defense Fund
- PennEnvironment (lobby in Harrisburg)
- Pennsylvania Association of Environmental Educators - Teaching Environmental Education at Home
US Government Environmental Initiatives:
- The Trump Administration Rolled Back More Than 100 Environmental Rules (NYTimes Article January 2021) - Click Here for Full List
- FACT SHEET: President Biden Sets 2030 Greenhouse Gas Pollution Reduction Target
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: U.S. International Climate Finance Plan (Released April 22, 2021)
Read Environmental Reports:
- Fracking with Forever Chemicals Report (July 2021) - CLICK HERE
- Pennsylvania Climate Impact Assessment (May 2021) - CLICK HERE
Visit & Share the Delaware County Environmental Clearinghouse - envirodelco.org
This website, sponsored and operated by the League of Women Voters of Delaware County, provides detailed and accurate information about what is happening environmentally in Delaware County as well as practical information about what each of us can do to improve our own environment.
For additional information contact League Member: Carol Butler, Chair of the LWV of Delaware County Environmental Committee butlercarol [at] verizon.net