You Can Make A Difference By Contacting Us
Here are many ways that you can spend a little time and make a big difference with the League of Women Voters of Central Delaware County. Let us know what interests you: lwvcdc [at] gmail.com.
- Join a LWV CDC Committee
- Review our 2023-2024 Local Program
- Attend a League of Women Voters public education event to learn about issues.
- Learn more about how your town government works by joining with other community members.
- Learn about Delaware County and attend a meeting of your local government councils, committees and school boards. Then let us know what happened there.
- Help during our candidate forums.
- Follow our Action Alerts to make your voice known about current legislation and issues.
- Help us with an information table at your town’s civic events.
- Give us a brief story of why and how you joined the League for our web site.
- Just meet us or tell us what programs you would like us to undertake -- and maybe help with them.
CONTACT US TO VOLUNTEER: lwvcdc [at] gmail.com