Voter Registration

Voter Registration

Joanna Nealon tabling


Are you registered?

Registering to Vote

To vote in Pennsylvania, you must first register to vote at least 15 days before the election.

You can register to vote online, by mail, or at a number of government agencies, including Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) Photo License and Driver’s License Centers.

Updating Your Registration

If you are already registered to vote in Pennsylvania, you do not have to register again unless you need to change your name, address, or political party.

Ways to register to Vote

QR Code Voter Reg

Register online 

Download and Share Voter Registration Online Handout PDF icon exercise_your_right_to_vote_5_25_20.pdf

Download a registration form or
* go to a municipal building to ask for one, or
* register in person at the Voter Registration Bureau at:
  Delaware County Government Center Bldg.
  201 W. Front St.
  Media, PA 19063-5337 

Interested in Having the League of Women Voters Conduct a Voter Registration Event Contact: zzpixel [at] (Marilyn Gilroy) or kathyknight7 [at] (Kathy Knight)