What Is the League of Women Voters?
The League of Women Voters of Central Delaware County is a nonpartisan, nonprofit, grassroots organization. We adhere to the League of Women Voters nonpartisan principle and we do NOT support or oppose any political party or candidate. The League DOES investigate and advocate on good governance and social policy issues.
To learn more about our nonpartisan statement CLICK HERE
Our Roots
The League of Women Voters of Central Delaware County began in 1920 as the League of Women Voters (LWV) Media. It's early history is on file at the Philadelphia Historical society and its first Annual Meeting Report in November 1921 gives one a perspective on how active and driven the founding mothers of our League were.
Several Leagues flourished in Delaware County throughout the 20th century but eventually they became amalgamated into LWV-CDC. The League serves the City of Chester and all of the towns and boroughs of the county except Radnor, which maintains its own League. In 2019, the Haverford League of Women Voters merged with LWV-CDC. Together the Radnor and Central Delaware County leagues form the Delaware County League of Women Voters, an interleague organization that focuses on countywide issues.
League Lingo (LWV terms/definitions) CLICK HERE
Our LWV CDC 2023 Annual Meeting Booklet - (digital version) CLICK HERE
Our LWV CDC 2024 Annual Meeting Booklet - (Web Version) CLICK HERE & Presentation Slides CLICK HERE
Our LWV CDC 2023 End of the Year Report - CLICK HERE & 2023 Year in Review Video - CLICK HERE
League 101 Presentation Slides CLICK HERE