League of Women Voters Positions on Legislative Advocacy
National Level - The League of Women Voters of the United States (LWVUS) tends to focus efforts on influencing legislative measures in the US Congress and state and local legislative bodies by preparing testimony, lobbying legislators, and initiating advocacy campaigns on issues of interest to our members.
State Level - The League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania (LWVPA) addresses pivotal challenges and opportunities within our Commonwealth. The League can take action on issues and legislation that relate directly to the positions adopted by the League of Women Voters at either the national or state level.
Local Level - The League of Women Voters of Central Delaware County (LWVCDC) Legislative Advocacy Committee works with individual lawmakers, lawmaking bodies and partners to gain support for a League position, initiative, issue or specific legislation in Harrisburg. It involves speaking out on behalf of an issue, conducting various kinds of public events, getting coverage in the media, building public awareness and better understanding among the League and the public. Legislative Advocacy Chair: jodinemayberry [at] comcast.net (Jodine Mayberry).
Why it matters
The League of Women Voters (LWV) is a complex nonpartisan organization with positions at local, state, and national levels, but is always speaking with one voice. To that end, a clear understanding of state and national League positions, how they interrelate, and how they can complement and reinforce local and regional positions is necessary before taking action at any level of government.
LWV Levels of Positions, Issues and Program
LWVUS positions are included in Impact on Issues (2024-2026)
LWVPA positions are included in Where We Stand
LWVCDC Issues, Positions and Local Program
LWVUS Advocacy Resources for Local Leagues
- LWV Myths About Advocacy - CLICK HERE
- Streamlining Local League Advocacy CLICK HERE
- Video - Advocacy 101 for Local Leagues (January 2024) CLICK HERE video features Jessica Jones Capparell, Director of Government Affairs for the League of Women Voters of the US (LWVUS)
What we have done
The League of Women Voters of Central Delaware County (LWVCDC):
- Advocated for legislation that aligns to LWV positions.
- Tracked legislation and initiatives at the state and local levels.
- Identified and shared legislation and initiatives that impact Delaware County.
- Communicated to our members about pending legislation aligned to LWV positions through website posts and the Voter newsletter.
- Participated in and helped coordinate legislator meet and greets.
- Served as moderator for Candidate Forums and programs related to legislation.
LWV CDC programs related to legislation
Hot Topic - What's Up in PA: Dynamics Driving PA Legislation in 2024 - January 2024
Hot Topic - What the Heck is Going on in Harrisburg? - January 2023
Hot Topic - Voters Beware of PA Constitutional Ballot Questions - March 2022
Hot Topic - Election Security in Delaware County - September 2021
Hot Topic - National Popular Vote Compact - March 2021
Hot Topic - Legislative and Judicial Redistricting in Pennsylvania - February 2021
Hot Topic - Election Law, Process and Security - September 2020
What we are doing
Identifying Legislative Advocacy Resources
US Senators for PA CLICK HERE
US House of Representatives CLICK HERE(Enter your zip code)
List of PA Legislators for Delaware County CLICK HERE
Contact Governor’s Office CLICK HERE
Delaware County Elected Officials CLICK HERE (Countywide)
Municipalities in Delaware County
Delaware County Municipal Dashboard CLICK HERE
To access the Municipal Officials Directory CLICK HERE
State legislation and initiatives
Pennsylvania Legislature – CLICK HERE – Search for bills, search for legislators, follow committee action, track bills by subscribing to account below:
PA Legislation Notifications Sign-up: Sign up for PaLegis Notifications - CLICK HERE. Subscribe for freewith a Pa Legis Notifications account. You will receive the latest updates regarding legislation, including committee and floor activity.
Some key features include:
Receive alerts on recent committee votes, meeting announcements, co-sponsorship memos and bill referrals.
See all legislative activity in the House and/or Senate for the day.
Track individual pieces of legislation, and receive alerts only on that legislation
News sources that are helpful in tracking legislation
PA News Links
Penn Capital Star www.penncapital-star.com
Spotlight PA www.spotlightpa.orgLink Capitol News Section www.spotlightpa.org/topics/the-capitol
Taking Action
Track litigation: LWVUS Legal Center search page www.lwv.org/legal-center-search
Communicate to our members about legislation aligned with or opposed to LWV positions by:
Sending out group emails
Featuring legislation in our Newsletter/The Voter
Submitting letters to the editor
Contributing to and Coordinating with other LWV Committees relating to legislative initiatives
Coordinate Legislator Meet and Greet
Help coordinate Candidate Forums
Promote Vote 411 – www.vote411.org
Suggest and help plan and present league programs
What can you do
Become familiar with the work of the LWVCDC Legislative Advocacy Committee
Become familiar with the resources listed on our Legislative Advocacy Issues page
Participate in legislative lobbying efforts
Review tips and resources of how to advocate
Tracking a bill in Harrisburg - CLICK HERE
- View Video/Presentation: How a PA Bill Becomes a Law CLICK HERE
Making Law Pennsylvania Primer by PA House - CLICK HERE
Contact Form of PA Governor - CLICK HERE
List of United States Senators CLICK HERE (Select a State)
List of United States House of Representatives CLICK HERE(Enter your Zip Code)
List of PA Legislators for Delaware County CLICK HERE
Delaware County Elected Officials CLICK HERE (Countywide)
Municipalities in Delaware County
Delaware County Municipal Dashboard CLICK HERE
To access the Municipal Officials Directory CLICK HERE
When asked to Take Action contact your elected official
Become a LWV Legislative Advocate
Join our Legislative Advocacy Committee
Contact our Legislative Advocacy Committee Chair jodinemayberry [at] comcast.net (Jodine Mayberry)