Archived Action Alerts

All Connecticut Action Alerts

Call to Action Banner 2024

Action Alerts

If you agree that voters deserve clear information when asked to vote on major changes in their town or city government, please join us in submitting written testimony in favor of House Bill 7125. And if you ever voted on a ballot question about changing your town or city charter that used vague or confusing language, please mention it in your testimony.

Call to Action Banner 2024

Action Alerts

The Climate Bill passed the State House, now on to the Senate! Please contact your State Senator by Wednesday and urge them to vote YES on HB 5004: An Act Concerning the Implementation of Certain Climate Change Measures. This Climate Bill is a crucial step toward obtaining a safe and healthy climate.

Call to Action Banner 2024

Action Alerts

Contact Speaker of the House Matt Ritter and ask him to support funding for Early Voting. Many worked for a decade to pass Early Voting in Connecticut, a landmark event that the Governor said would "improve the ability of voters to cast their ballots and enable more people to participate in our democracy". However without funding and support this hard fought right may not succeed.

Call to Action Banner 2024

Action Alerts

We must protect our planet from the physical, economic, and public health effects of climate change. Contact your legislators by the end of the day Wednesday and urge them to support HB 5004: An Act Concerning the Implementation of Certain Climate Change Measures. HB 5004 is a crucial step toward obtaining a safe and healthy climate. We need the Connecticut General Assembly to bring the bill to the House floor and vote YES.

Call to Action Banner 2024

Action Alerts

Contact your legislators and urge them to support funding for Early Voting implementation and the No Excuse Absentee Ballot referendum. Many worked for a decade to pass Early Voting in Connecticut, a landmark event that the Governor said would "improve the ability of voters to cast their ballots and enable more people to participate in our democracy". However without funding and support this hard fought right may not succeed.

Call to Action Banner

Action Alerts

Contact your state senator and representative and urge them to support HB 5448 to protect elections workers! It has become apparent over the past few years that election workers need protection. This bill would take measures to prevent and penalize harassment, threats of violence, and/or doxxing of election workers, and prohibits guns from polling locations and elections related locations.

Call to Action Banner 2024

Action Alerts

Please email or call your Representative in support of Raised Bill 5408, which supports local press through reallocation of the state’s advertising revenue. Local news outlets spark civic engagement and voter turnout, and their collapse poses a threat to our cities and towns due to increasing polarization and misinformation. We can reverse this trend through reallocation of funding.

Call to Action Banner

Action Alerts

Ask your reps to co-sponsor HB 5446 today! Urge your representatives to secure affordable high speed internet for all Connecticut residents and fund community access programming. Income level should not dictate whether you have access to crucial information regarding local and state government and whether or not you can effectively participate in our democracy.

Call to Action Banner

Action Alerts

Act now! We anticipate a vote on CAMPAIGN FINANCE OMNIBUS BILL by Saturday night. Connecticut’s Citizens Election Program is a voluntary program which provides clean elections financing to qualified candidates for statewide offices and the General Assembly. The existing text of the bill contains one extremely problematic provision that would place any online expenditures beyond the reach of the CEP program. Contact your Senator and let them know we cannot let that happen.

Call to Action Banner

Action Alerts

House Bill 6667: AN ACT ADDRESSING GUN VIOLENCE provides much needed legislation to enhance the safety of our communities. In the last 60 days, we have seen horrific gun violence across our country, with more than 80 mass shootings in our country. Write to your legislative representatives today by email to ask them to co-sponsor the bill.
