Archived Action Alerts

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Action Alerts

Our Legislative Specialists for the Environment and Climate have identified two bills as the most likely to have an impact if passed. Please write to co-chairs of the Environment Committee, Senator Lopes and Representative Gresko in support of SB1145 and HJ37. The committee must release its Joint Favorable report on any bills they want to be considered by the full house and senate by March 27th, so we must act quickly to let them know we want these bills moved forward.

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Action Alerts

We are in the final hours of the legislative session and to all who already called or emailed your Senator --thank you! We are now shifting our focus to Senate Leadership. Join us to urge Senators Looney and Duff to call these bills for a vote before the end of the session!

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Action Alerts

Legislators only have until this Wednesday to pass two vital voter protection bills. You may have called Senate President Looney recently--thank you! Can you help us push these bills over the finish line by making a call right after you read this alert?

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Action Alerts

Do you watch a local community access or a “public access TV channel” to get important information about what is happening in Connecticut? The nonprofit organizations that provide these services need our help. Contact your Senator to ask Senators Looney and Duff to call SB 278 for a vote. Then make sure your Representative also supports the bill once it is sent to the House.

portrait image of John Lewis with quote about voting as most powerful nonviolent tool

Action Alerts

Call State Senate President Pro Tempore Martin Looney at 860-240-8638. Connecticut voters deserve the absolute best version of democracy. Urge Senator Looney to pass SB 431 that will Ban Foreign Spending on State Ballot Measures--and SB 471 to enact a Connecticut Voting Rights Act!

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SB 10 and SB 4 will improve Connecticut’s air quality by requiring cleaner energy generation and expanding the use of electric vehicles. Cleaner air improves human health, protects the environment, and contributes to the reversal of climate change. What you can do: Email or call the Senate Leadership, Senators Looney and Duff today and ask them to bring the bills to the floor for a vote. There are fewer than 20 days left to the legislative session.

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Action Alerts

Protecting the integrity of our electoral processes is the most basic of the League’s priorities. To this end, protection against foreign interference in any aspect of our elections is critical. Tell committee leaders that you want them to bring RSB 431 to a vote, then urge your legislators to support the measure when it comes to the floor this month. The Legislative session ends in less than 30 days.

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Action Alerts

Connecticut needs our own state-level Voting Rights Act because federal courts have drastically weakened the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965. In 2020, the Center for Public Integrity observed that Connecticut voters still face some of the biggest obstacles outside of southern states. Sign up by Thursday March 24 at 3PM to testify for the virtual public hearing to support SB 471 and two other bills that will protect and expand access to the ballot.

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Action Alerts

Sign up by Thursday March 3 at 3PM to testify for the virtual public hearing to discuss two bills, one allowing COVID to be a valid reason to use absentee ballots for the November 2022 election, and the other allowing for the amendment of the current statute which defines the criteria for obtaining an absentee ballot to include the fear of illness, such as during a public health emergency like a pandemic.

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Action Alerts

We need your help to raise An Act Declaring a Climate Emergency in Connecticut. Contact the Environment Committee today and urge them to introduce this bill before the February 25 deadline!
