Voter Services Committee

Voter Services Committee

LWVSC member Lynette Brown registers new voter at Sussex Central

LWVSC Voter Services Committee member Lynette Brown
registers a new voter at Sussex Central High School.

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 The Voter Services committee is focused on providing resources to Sussex County residents to encourage civic engagement and participation in the elective process.  The committee’s outreach programs include voter registration and voter education opportunities aimed at arming residents with the tools they need to feel empowered and make informed election decisions. Our goal is to increase Sussex County voter turnout to improve our representative democracy because “Democracy cannot be a spectator sport.”

The Sussex LWV is happy to give interested groups a presentation on voting.  For further information, contact idarowe [at] (Ida Rowe).

Please refer to the Voter Info page of this website that provides an up-to-date resource for voters.  Members of this committee provide the information and attempt to keep it current.  

  • is an important tool for voters, which is provided by the Voter Services Committee. VOTE411 provides valuable information on candidates running for office. It lets the voter see what is on their ballot, check their voter registration, find their polling place, and more. Committee members worked diligently to get up and running for school board elections as well as the general election. We distribute VOTE411 cards at local events and share informative graphics on Facebook and Instagram. Important election information that you can use is now available in both English and Spanish. 
  • Voter Registration Events: The Sussex County League holds voter registration events at area high schools, Del Tech, as well as local events.  As a member of the Voter Services Committee, you will be trained to register voters and can then volunteer to work at our voter registration events.  2022 VOTER REGISTRATION TRAINING slides can be accessed here.  If you are interested in helping register voters, please contact idarowe [at] (Ida Rowe), acting Committee Chair.        
  • Candidate Forums: The LWVSC has held candidate forums for State legislators running for office and for school board candidates. These forums provided an avenue for interested voters to find out how the candidates stand on various issues as they answered questions submitted by members of the audience.  The events were live-streamed and videos of the events were also available for viewing online.  

 Important Voter Information can be found here