LWV Federal Judiciary System Study Town Hall

LWV Federal Judiciary System Study Town Hall

Gavel & Flag


Friday, February 21, 2025 - 12:00pm

The League of Women Voters (LWV) of the United States is conducting a study of the Federal Judiciary System to develop a LWV position on the Federal Judiciary as an essential component of US democracy. On Friday, February 21, 2025 at Noon via Zoom the LWV of Central Delaware County will share with our members an overview of the study and how you can get involved in coming to consensus on the study questions. 

The study's purpose includes, but is not limited to, addressing concerns and clarifying judicial accountability, transparency, independence, and ethics.  The scope addresses the Supreme Court as well as the other Article III federal courts. 

This event will also review the League of Women Voters national study process which involves all levels of the LWV - national, state and local. The consensus study process is used in formulating positions and in taking action at the grassroots level makes the League unique and sets the League apart from other organizations and makes us a powerful force. Once local Leagues come to consensus these results are reported to the national League to formulate new policy which will be included in Impact on Issues: A Guide to Public Policy Positions. Those Public Policy Positions can be used by local Leagues to “Take Action”.

The virtual town hall is being coordinated through our Civic Education Committee and will be led by Jodine Mayberry, our Legislative Advocacy Chair who has a background in following federal cases as part of her career at Thomson Reuters' Westlaw. 

This is a FREE event but to receive the Zoom link registration is required. To register CLICK HERE