Call or email your U.S senators today and demand that they pass HR 7910, the Protecting Our Kids Act, to curb gun violence and reduce mass shootings.
The House passed the measure Wednesday June 8. It provides for The bill would raise the lawful age to purchase a semiautomatic centerfire rifle from 18 to 21 years old, establish new federal offenses for gun trafficking and for selling large-capacity magazines, and allow local governments to compensate individuals who surrender such magazines through a buyback program, according to a person involved in the matter.
It would also establish a new tax credit for the sale of safe storage devices and a criminal penalty for breaking new requirements on the storage of firearms on residential premises. Chances are not good that it will get through the Senate, but public pressure may work.
Sen. Patrick Joseph Toomey
Phone:(202) 224-4254
To email, click here.
Sen. Robert Patrick Casey Jr.
Phone:(202) 224-6324
To email, click here.