Our 2022 LWV CDC Annual Meeting is being held as an in-person event on Saturday, June 4 beginning at 10:00 AM at the Springhaven Club 600 S Providence Rd, Wallingford. This is a Member ONLY event.
During the business portion of our meeting we will be electing the 2022-2023 Board of Directors, adopting our 2022-2023 Budget and Local Program plus changes to our Bylaws. We will share a digital version of the 2022 Annual Meeting Booklet prior to the meeting plus a hard copy version for those that will be attending the in-person event.
We are pleased to announce that our League will be giving the Outstanding Community Service award to Delaware County Daily Times Reporter, Kathleen Carey. Through her fact based reporting Kathleen features stories that are important to the work of the League. Kathleen, a resident of Delaware County, is an award-winning reporter and writer. She states that what drives her “each day is the ability to serve a community and help people connect to each other by giving them a voice and empowering them to engage in Life”.
As part of the meeting agenda we will have a conversation with Kathleen about “real fact-based information” and tips on dealing with mis and dis information that are impacting our democracy. We need a quorum to conduct business so we hope you will attend the annual meeting and participate in the Directions to the Board and this important conversation.
To reserve your participation, make your meal choice, and share a comment or question CLICK HERE.
Menu Options: Mushroom Crepe or Asparagus Quiche
Cost: $25.00 per meal
Reservation Deadline: Wednesday, May 25
Payment Options:
- Check (Payable to LWV Central Delaware County & Mailed to PO Box 131, Wallingford, PA 19086 or brought on the day of the event)
- Cash at the event venue registration table
- Online via the LWV CDC DONATE BUTTON -CLICK HERE ($25.00 per meal)
NOTE: a reservation must be made in advance using the registration form or contacting the event contact even if payment is at the door by check or cash so the venue has an accurate meal count.
Event Contact: Pat Cimino, LWV CDC Board Member patcimino [at] comcast.net 610-328-1375