Boscov's Friends and Family Fundraiser

Boscov's Friends and Family Fundraiser

Boscov's Friends and Family


Boscov's Granite Run
West Baltimore Pike
Media 19063
Wednesday, October 14, 2020 - 12:00am to Thursday, October 15, 2020 - 11:45pm

Here's a fun way to save money and help the LWV-CDC raise money during the pandemic: Just shop at Boscov's Granite Run store or,  mention our name and save 20% on most purchases. The League receives 5% of the purchase price. 

It's an easy way to get some early Christmas shopping out of the way or shop for yourself or a family member while helping the League continue to do its vital work on voter registration, candidates' forums and other programs to educate and inform voters. Just don't forget to tell the clerk at the register or the online ordering form -- League of Women Voters of Central Delaware County.