Delaware County Pride Parade

Delaware County Pride Parade

Delco Pride Parade


State Street
Media Pennsylvania 19063
Pennsylvania US
Saturday, June 1, 2024 - 12:00pm

The second annual celebration of Pride in Delaware County will begin with a Pride Parade on Saturday, June 1 at 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM on State Street in Media, PA. This parade will celebrate and promote the rights and equality of the whole LGBTQQIA+ community. In accordance with the League of Women Voters Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Policy our League of Women Voters of Central Delaware County (LWVCDC) is inviting our members to come out and show their support for the LGBTQQIA+ community. 

The parade route is approximately 1 mile in length and will feature a colorful procession of participants, community groups, non-profits, and performers, showcasing a wide range of expressions from across the spectrum of identities and sexualities. You can expect to see rainbow flags, costumes, banners, music, performers, and dance, as well as informational materials and advocacy efforts from various LGBTQ+ organizations and allies across our region.

Since the suffragists and founders of the League of Women Voters (LWV) marched for equal rights we encourage our members to march in the parade behind our LWV banner. This is an opportunity to come together and celebrate the diversity and resilience of the LGBTQQIA+ community while raising awareness of the ongoing struggles for LGBTQQIA+ equality and rights. 

If interested and able to march with our LWV please contact our brigade coordinator Peggy Bradin Wilson at kevsmom [at] Please respond by May 26. We look forward to seeing you there. 

NOTE: The Delaware County Pride Parade and all related Pride events are Smoke-Free! U.D.T.J. is a project of Amistad Law Project, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. U.D.T.J. does not endorse or promote any political campaign, candidates, or political parties. The Delaware County Pride Parade is a community event and no campaigning of any kind will be permitted at this event.