Join us to hear the Hot Topic: Conspiratorial Thinking and Beliefs in Voter Fraud on Friday, October 8, 2021 at Noon via Zoom. Our League of Women Voters of Central Delaware County will present Adam Enders, Ph.D. assistant professor of political science at the University of Louisville where he conducts research on the psychology of conspiracy theories and misinformation.
Dr. Enders will discuss his research into QAnon and share his polling and insights on voter fraud beliefs. His research focuses on the role of suspicion and conspiratorial thinking in American mass politics, the influence of core values on political identities and attitudes, and the evolving nature of mass polarization.
He earned a Ph.D. in Political Science from Michigan State University in 2016, and a B.A. in Political Science and Public Policy from Albion College in 2011.
The webinar is FREE but to receive the Zoom link via email you MUSTregister. You can submit questions for the presenter in advance with your registration.
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