Hot Topic: National Popular Vote Compact

Hot Topic: National Popular Vote Compact

Electoral College


Friday, March 19, 2021 - 12:00pm to Saturday, March 20, 2021 - 12:45pm

Rep. Rabb introduced legislation in November 2020 to pass the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact in Pennsylvania.  The Compact, already approved by 11 states and the District of Columbia, needs its signatories to possess at least 270 electoral votes before it takes full effect and converts the Electoral College into a de facto direct popular presidential election.  

The current compacting states possess 165 electoral votes, and therefore need only 105 more before the Compact takes effect, a total that can be reached with the consent of as few as four more states.  The LWV supports the Compact as one way to achieve a true majority vote until the Electoral College can be overturned.

Brett Dolente, a member of LWVPA Advocacy team will speak about the League's position on the Compact. 

The program is free, but you must register to receive the Zoom link.  Register here.

Contact Information
Ralf Graves
ralfgraves [at]