Hot Topic - Polarization: Bridging Troubled Waters

Hot Topic - Polarization: Bridging Troubled Waters



Friday, September 30, 2022 - 12:00pm

The League of Women Voters of Central Delaware County has scheduled the Hot Topic -  Polarization: Bridging Troubled Waters to be presented by Dr. James Vike, Professor of Political Science, Widener University on Friday, September 30, 2022 at Noon via Zoom. Dr. Vike will share his research project Beyond Ambivalence: Rethinking Polarization and the Connection to Political Engagement concerning polarization and politics.

His proiect relies upon statistical analysis of cumulative data from the American National Election Studies (ANES) from 2008 through 2020 and takes a closer look at the consistency of individual-level expressions of polarization across numerous candidate-related and party-related measures of polarization. 

Through his research Dr. Vike proposes a new framework that allows for “nuanced differentiation between partial and full polarization and includes a more inclusive, representative and non-disparaging category for those individuals who happen to express balanced or mixed views across a range of circumstances and scenarios”.

James E. Vike, PhD; Widener University

Join us to learn about his work and framework that seeks to “promote political engagement without simultaneously contributing to further polarization of American society”.

The Hot Topic presentation is FREE but to receive the link to the Zoom Virtual Meeting via email you MUST register. 


For additional League of Women Voters information related to this topic visit: 

  • League Joins Call for Social Media Companies to Address Election Disinformation - CLICK HERE
  • Remaining Nonpartisan in Hyper-partisan Times - CLICK HERE
  • Vote 411: Helping Millions Find Nonpartisan Election Info in 2020 - CLICK HERE
  • Vote 411 Information Page - CLICK HERE

Event Contact: Jane Brennan, LWV CDC Vice President Brennanbjj [at]

NOTE: This Hot Topic presentation is the second in the LWV CDC Election Series for Fall 2022