Hot Topic: Sorting out News from Noise

Hot Topic: Sorting out News from Noise

Election Misinformation
Wednesday, September 30, 2020 - 7:00pm to Thursday, October 1, 2020 - 6:45pm

The LWV Central Delaware County and the NAACP Media Branch are co-sponsoring the virtual presentation Sorting out News from Noise on Wednesday, September 30, 2020 at 7PM to hear from Aaron Sharockman, Executive Director of Politifact of the Poynter Institute and learn how the pros keep the internet a little more honest, and how you can become your own fact-checker at home.

Facts right now are under attack, and people aren't sure what information to trust. PolitiFact, the winner of the Pulitzer Prize in 2009, is America's largest political fact-checking website. They've been sorting out fact from fiction for 13 years and published more than 18,000 fact-checks on its Truth-O-Meter, which rates statements from True all the way to Pants on Fire false. about this important issue concerning the widespread misinformation, disinformation that circulates via social media and fake news and how this can influence your vote.

The session will consist of a presentation and a question and answer segment. The Hot Topic presentation is FREE but to receive the link to the Zoom Virtual Meeting via email you MUST register. 


Contact: Barbara Amstutz, President email swhmdi53bwa [at]