International Relations Study Group - China and the US

International Relations Study Group - China and the US

Tuesday, September 12, 2023 - 12:30pm

The International Relations Study Group of the League of Women Voters of Central Delaware County has been active for years studying different countries meeting monthly on the second Tuesday, 12:30 pm.  For 2023 the group discussion will be using the briefing book "Great Decisions" put out by the Foreign Policy Association. Each of the short but very informative eight chapters deals with a world issue and how America should handle it. The chapter has a short accompanying video lecture. We discuss the topics and answer a couple of questions. Each group member is encouraged to supplement the topics with their own research or experience. 

The topics for 2023 are Energy Geopolitics, War Crimes, China and the US, Economic Warfare, Politics in Latin America, Global Famine, Iran at a Crossroads.   The link for the briefing book which costs $35 is:   

The topic for September is China and the US . the discussion will be held on Tuesday, September 12 at 12:30 PM. The discussion is held at the home of the Committee Chair Joan Hazbun but also virtually.

Interested in joining the study group and/or learning more complete the event interest form CLICK HERE

We welcome new members so come join us!

Contact: Joan Hazbun,  610-353-2177 jchazbun6 [at] jchazbun6 [at] (