LWV Webinar-The Economic Impacts of Immigration: Two Experts

LWV Webinar-The Economic Impacts of Immigration: Two Experts

Economic Impact on Immigration


Monday, September 23, 2024 - 7:00pm

The Leadership Team of the League of Women Voters Immigration Discussion Group invites you to a discussion with two leading experts on the topic of The Economic Impacts of Immigration scheduled for Monday, September 23, 2024 at 7:00 PM via Zoom.

The benefits and costs of migration for the US are a key debate in the 2024 election and beyond. Below is information on this important issue


Kristie de Peña is Senior Vice President for Policy and Director of Immigration Policy at the Niskanen Center in Washington DC. She is known for her expertise in analyzing complex issues, crafting innovative policy solutions, and building coalitions to effect change.

Madeline Zavodny is Professor of Economics at the University of North Florida, Jacksonville.  Before joining UNF, she was an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.  Her research focuses on the economics of immigration.  She is author of The Economics of Immigration and co-author of Beside the Golden Door: US Immigration Reform in a New Era of Globalization.

Zoom Link for Monday, September 23rd 7pmET: CLICK HERE

Also sharing a resource list prepared by the LWV Immigration Discussion Group Leadership (August 2024) pn the Economic Value of Immigration which may be of interest in connection with this event:

Recent papers:

  • July 2024, Congressional Budget Office: Effects of the Immigration Surge on the Federal Budget and the Economy  Link to Paper . THE CBO estimates that the immigration surge will add $1.2 trillion in federal revenues over the 2024–2034 period. The annual increase in revenues grows over time and reaches $167 billion (or 2.2 percent of total revenues) in 2034 in the agency’s projections.
  • July 2024, Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy: Tax Payments by Undocumented Immigrants. Link to Paper  . Undocumented migrants paid $96.7 billion in federal, state and local taxes in 2022. 
  • December 2022, The Contribution of High-Skilled Immigrants to Innovation in the United States, Shai Bernstein, Rebecca Diamond, Abhisit Jiranaphawiboon, Timothy McQuade & Beatriz Pousada, NBER Working Paper 30797 Link to Paper  . They found that over the course of their careers, immigrants are more productive than natives, as measured by the number of patents, patent citations, and the economic value of these patents.

Recent articles:

Economist, 7/21/24: The rich world revolts against sky-high immigration: economic consequences. Link to Article and quotes from the article below:

  • “ Warwick McKibbin of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, a think-tank, reckons that in the unlikely event Mr Trump successfully managed to deport 7.5m people, American GDP would fall by 12% cumulatively over three years.” 
  • “Cracking down on migration risks provoking the re-emergence of labour shortages that plagued economies across the rich world in 2021 and 2022, and which drag on GDP per person by creating inefficiencies.”
  • “Over time rich countries, which have aging populations, will need more workers who are young and keen to work.”

Wall Street Journal, 3/30/24: Business owners oppose GOP Effort to Police Immigration Status: Link to Article & Recording . Business interests typically allied with the GOP say their members are already struggling to find and hire the right workers and shouldn’t have to also be immigration cops.

Book: Zeke Hernandez, The Truth About Immigration, Why Successful Societies Welcome Newcomers (2024) Key theme: immigrants are essential for economically prosperous and socially vibrant nations. Link to the LWV of Central Delaware County Hot Topic featuring the author CLICK HERE  & Author Site CLICK HERE .


The LWV Immigration Discussion Group has noted the extent of misinformation during this election cycle (and beyond) and want LWV Members to have information to respond to the following claims:

(1)   CAN NON-CITIZENS VOTE? No. It is illegal.

Four Things to Know about Non-Citizen Voting from the Bipartisan Policy Center.  

LWV Responds to the House Vote on the SAVE Act LWVUS statement 7/10/24 on non-citizen voting

Unpacking Myths about Noncitizen Voting American Immigration Council 8/1 article on myths & data

Non-Citizens Are Not voting in Federal or State Elections -- Here's Why Brennan Center

De-Bunking the Myths Surrounding Non-Citizen Voting Democracy Docket

The Truth About False Claims of Non-Citizen Voting Voting Rights Lab


Debunking the Myths of Migrant Crime Brennan Center


See Krugman, NY Times 7/22/24: data don’t show this: article 

Immigration and Entrepreneurship in the United States, Nat'l Bureau of Economic Research

Resources for further fact checking:

