Post Incarceration Reentry: Problems, Policies, Programs, and Opportunities panel presentation is scheduled for Thursday September 30, 2021 at Noon via Zoom and will focus onthe obstacles that people who were formerly incarcerated in Pennsylvania prisons face when they return to their communities after serving their time and on the programs available to help them.
The program is co-sponsored by the Civic Education Committee of the League of Women Voters Central Delaware County and the NAACP Media Branch.
Panel Moderator: Maurice Q. Jones, general manager of PAR (People Advancing Reintegration) – Recycle Works, which helps returning inmates obtain jobs in the recycling industry.
Robert Reed, Executive Deputy Pennsylvania Attorney General who heads the state’s PA Reentry Council.
Jean-Pierre Brice has a radio station Cultivating MaturePositivity www.cmpradio.net . Incarcerated as an adult and has experienced reentry.His work has been at the county level with the DAs office and through the Chester Partnership for Safe Neighborhoods (CPSN)
Jamila Harris works with Incarcerated Women’s Working Group - Women reentry and fair chance hiring - mental health peer specialist, certified recovery specialist.
The webinar is FREE but to receive the Zoom link via email you MUST register. You can submit questions for the panel in advance with your registration.
TO REGISTER and Submit Questions Click Here
Event Contact: Ralf Graves, Civic Education Chair email ralfgraves [at] comcast.net
Image Citation: https://www.flickr.com/photos/46935054@N02/4320595086