Voter Registration Event: Chester High School

Voter Registration Event: Chester High School

Voter Registration


Chester High School
200 W 9th St
Chester Pennsylvania 19013
Pennsylvania US
Thursday, April 28, 2022 - 9:30am

On Thursday, April 28, 2022 at 9:30 AM members of our League Voter Engagement Coalition is holding an invitation ONLY event at Chester High School. This event is for the senior class at Chester High School. Voter registration volunteers will present information on how to register to vote, the importance of voting, and poll worker oppotunities.

This event is under the auspices of the LWV Central Delaware County Voter Engagement Coalition and include members of the New Pennsylvania Project, Pennsylvania State Education Association (PSEA), and our League Voter Services Registration Team .

For more voter registration information contact zzpixel [at] (Marilyn Gilroy) .