All Rhode Island Articles

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Reimbursement funding formulas are known to penalize poor communities, and that is how RI provides funds for municipal libraries. Although legislators are sympathetic to the State/Providence League's efforts to work for change, the RI Library Fund

People Powered Fair Maps - League of Women Voters US
Blog Post

Fair Maps Friday: Check out the Campaign Legal Center's recent virtual panel on redistricting, featuring Jeanette Senecal f

Screengrab (names obscured for privacy) of 2021 Members Meeting
Blog Post

The Rhode Island League's annual program Meeting for the Membership meeting for 2021 is now available to view on YouTube here

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The Providence Leaguer (newsletter) is now available online.

Redistricting National PPFM Campaign Logo USA People Powered Fair Maps League of Women Voters LWV
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Introducing Fair Maps Friday, your weekly source for all things People Powered Fair Maps™ (PPFM™). 

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February 2021 
Submitted by Sarah Gleason

LWV Joins Civics Lawsuit
Public Statement

As an organization founded on the mission of #CivicEducation, LWV supports the students in Cook v. Raimondo, demanding the state of Rhode Island provide adequate, informative civic education in schools.

LWVUS Priorities
Public Statement

Hopes of a New Era of Progress, Peace, Prosperity, and Unity

25th Amendment
Blog Post


LWVUS logo
Public Statement

WASHINGTON – Thursday night, the League of Women Voters board of directors met and voted unanimously to call for the immediate removal of Donald J.
