Call to Annual Meeting 2023

Call to Annual Meeting 2023

AGENDA  - LWVSA 2023 Annual Meeting


5:30 p.m. –Gather on ZOOM (directions to link to meeting are in email) and make sure your technology works.  Votes and proceedings will be recorded. 

Be sure and have your  BylawsLeague Handbook, PDF icon Annual Meeting Agenda, and anything else you need handy.   

      • Business Meeting – Becky Dickerhoof, LWVSA Board Director 

5:40 p.m.  Call to Order / Introductions

      • Credentials Report – Lin McGinn, Leadership Team

      •           Determines if Quorum (10% of members) is met to conduct business. 

      • Speaker (Virtual) - Dr Deborah Turner, LWVUS President

      • PDF icon Year in Review - Highlights of 2022-2023

      • Adoption of Agenda and Annual Meeting Rules by vote of membership

      •           Introduction of Parliamentarian ensures that we follow parliamentary procedure. 

      • PDF icon Minutes of 2022 Annual Meeting- for reference

      • Appoint Committee to review Minutes of 2023 Annual Meeting

6:00 p.m.    PDF icon Bylaw Amendment – April May, LWVSA Director

      • Presentation of Proposed Bylaw Amendment: Article III. Membership.   

            Discussion and Voting procedure. 

 6:15 p.m.   Finance - Discussion & Adoption 

Members can ask questions about any aspect of income and expenditures, and the assumptions for proposed budget. Will vote to approve budget for upcoming year.    

 6:45 p.m.  Program of Work Sylvia Oliver, Leadership Team

This is the program of work (local League focus) for the upcoming year to carry out study and action.

7:15 p.m.  Leadership Report

7:45 p.m Closing

      • Comments from Leadership Team: April May, Sylvia Oliver, Lin McGinn 

      • Open Forum/Member Direction to the Board

      • Comments from New Executive Officers 

      • For the Good of the Order

      • Announcements