A statewide Brown Bag Lunch with Wisconsin Independent Living Network vote committee
Held virtually over Zoom
Join the Wisconsin Independent Living Network and a panel of Independent Living advocates for a statewide Brown Bag Lunch discussion on Zoom about the history of disability involvement in elections, the impact of voting on independent living, and the barriers we face in the community. Finally, we will cover advocacy opportunities.
Special guest speakers:
• Jason Glozier, Executive Director Wisconsin Coalition of Independent Living Centers
• Kyle Kleist, Executive Director CIL Western Wisconsin
Reasonable Accommodations
Independence First is committed to providing the highest degree of accessibility when offering agency-sponsored events. Please notify Brian Peters at 414-937-5912 V/Relay or bpeters [at] independencefirst.org with your disability-related accommodation requests by 2 weeks before the Brown Bag Lunch. We will do our best to honor accommodation requests made after this date.
Environmental Chemical Sensitivities
For the safety and comfort of those with chemical and environmental sensitivities, Independence First requests that when attending agency-sponsored events, please refrain from using any perfumed products such as scented soaps, deodorants, perfumes, colognes and heavily scented fabric softeners. To maintain a smoke-free environment, please also refrain from smoking in paths of travel
and doorways.