Voter Information

Voter Information

three women with VOTE411 logo and text reading "Are you ready to vote? Make sure your family and friends are too"

Are you ready to vote in Wisconsin?

Información del votante en español aquí.


Upcoming elections:

Spring Election - April 1 

pledge to vote

Make your commitment to vote
today! Take the pledge & receive
important election updates.

voter reg

Make sure you're registered to
vote at your current address.

Learn about the candidates and issues

Learn about the candidates
and issues.

photo id

Make sure you have an acceptable
photo ID for voting.

polling place

Find your polling place.


View a sample ballot.

absentee and early voting

Thinking about absentee or
early voting? Learn more


Looking for more information? 
Take a look at our voter
information guide or contact us
at the information below.


Learn why voting is important 
to Wisconsinites across the state.
Watch voters share their stories
of why they're a Wisconsin Voter.

rides to the polls

Rides to the polls 

 Information on voting rights for persons with criminal convictions available here  

Need help or have questions with any of this? We're happy to help!

Call us: (608) 256-0827 or lwvwisconsin [at] (send us an email).