Past Events For Connecticut + the US (LWVUS) + Greater Hartford

Flier for LWV Redding Policing in Connecticut
Event Date: 
Feb 10 2022 07:30 pm to 09:00 pm
Event location: 

Virtual Event

Join the LWV of Redding and the Mark Twain Museum for a Discussion with Ken Barone of the Connecticut Racial Profiling Prohibition Project. Registration is required.

LWV Norwalk Logo
Event Date: 
Feb 06 2022 04:00 pm
Event location: 

Online - Zoom

The League of Women Voters of Norwalk invite you to join members for the Annual Meet and Greet. Andrew Garber, fellow within the Brennan Center's Voting Rights and Elections Program, will be the guest speaker. The program will be held virtually and the public is invited to attend. Registration is open now.

Logo for League of Women Voters of Northern Fairfield County
Event Date: 
Feb 05 2022 09:30 am
Event location: 

Zoom - Online

Join the League of Women Voters of Northern Fairfield County for this annual event. Details to follow. Registration is open now.

Bridgeport Area League Logo
Event Date: 
Feb 03 2022 07:00 pm
Event location: 

Online - Zoom

Join the League of Women Voters of the Bridgeport Area and the Albert Schweitzer Institute at Quinnipiac University for this Online Community Forum about vaccine mandates and the Supreme Court. Registration for this virtual forum is open now.

League of Women Voters of Hamden North Haven Logo
Event Date: 
Jan 29 2022 10:00 am to 11:30 am
Event location: 

Zoom - Online

Join the League of Women Voters of Hamden/North Haven for this annual event. All Hamden and North Haven legislators from both the Senate and House have been invited to participate. Registration is open now.

LWV or Greenwich CT Logo
Event Date: 
Jan 27 2022 07:00 pm
Event location: 

Online - Zoom

The League of Women Voters of Greenwich will present an educational program that addresses the current state of voting rights and proposed changes to these rights. Andrew Garber, fellow within the Brennan Center's Voting Rights and Elections Program, will be the guest speaker. The presentation will be divided into two parts: Part one will address national voting rights issues and part two will focus on proposed changes to voting rights in the State of Connecticut. The program will be held virtually and the public is invited to attend.

White Evangelical Racism by Anthea Butler Book Cover Art
Event Date: 
Jan 26 2022 07:30 pm
Event location: 

Online - Zoom

In her recently published book, White Evangelical Racism: The Politics of Morality in America, Dr. Butler outlined how inherent racism has been constant in white evangelical religion throughout America’s history. League of Women Voters of Redding and the Mark Twain Library held a program in December to discuss the book and now are proud to be able to offer this virtual conversation with Dr. Butler herself to further examine what the noted historian and theologian has discovered from her research.

LWV of Litchfield County
Event Date: 
Jan 23 2022 03:30 pm
Event location: 

Online - Zoom

The League of Women Voters of Litchfield County and the Litchfield Historical Society are thrilled to welcome teacher, historian, and author, Peter Vermilyea for a virtual lecture on the work of women during the Civil War. The Lecture will be held over. Register today! Visit or email registration [at]

LWV of Greater Hartford Logo
Event Date: 
Jan 22 2022 09:30 am
Event location: 

Online - Zoom

LWV Greater Hartford will host a webinar on the 2022 Legislative Session. This is the virtual version of our annual Legislative Breakfast. The webinar format will depend upon the number of legislators who attend and will include an opportunity for LWVGH members to ask legislators questions during the webinar. Register in advance.

Advocacy 101 workshop banner
Event Date: 
Jan 20 2022 12:00 pm to 02:00 pm
Event location: 

Online - Zoom

You can learn how to affect the legislative process from wherever you are, with whatever free time you have. You don't have to be an expert OR have loads of free time to make a difference. This workshop will feature the Secretary of the State, State Legislators, and our Guide to the Capitol, John Bailey. Register today.


Past Events Co-Hosted By Connecticut + Greater Hartford + the US (LWVUS)

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