CMAL Quarterly Meeting - Watershed Study Update

CMAL Quarterly Meeting - Watershed Study Update

LWV Council of Metropolitan Area Leagues Minnesota


Online via Zoom - Registration Not Required
Saturday, January 13, 2024 - 10:00am to 12:00pm

The study committee has researched Water in Minnesota and is slowly unraveling how watersheds seem to work. We have found that there are many different government entities that have a say in water use.  Watershed management entities  have the authority to tax, to regulate, to build and maintain structures. This project is entirely educational in nature and not tied to any advocacy agenda at this time.   

The Watershed Study Committee has produced a draft Study Report, Questionnaire and Table linking the Watershed Districts and the Area Metro Leagues.  The Study Committee is looking for feedback relative to what might be missing from the Study Report or the Questionnaire.

Zoom Link