History Revealed: Somewhere in the Unknown World: A Collective Refugee Memoir with Kao Kalia Yang

History Revealed: Somewhere in the Unknown World: A Collective Refugee Memoir with Kao Kalia Yang

East Side Freedom Library Logo


Free Online via Zoom - Registration Required
Thursday, January 7, 2021 - 7:00pm to Friday, January 8, 2021 - 6:45pm

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Join us for a discussion with Kao Kalia Yang on her new book, "Somewhere in the Unknown World."  Yang will be joined in conversation by four readers of her book: Saymoukda Duanphouxay Vongsay, Thet-Htar Thet, Sangay Taythi, and Najaha Musse.
As the country’s doors were closing and nativism was on the rise, Kao Kalia Yang—herself a refugee from Laos—set out to tell the stories of the refugees to whom University Avenue is now home. Here are people who have summoned the energy and determination to make a new life even as they carry an extraordinary burden of hardship, loss, and emotional damage. In Yang’s exquisite, poetic, and necessary telling, the voices of refugees from all over the world restore humanity to America’s strangers and redeem its long history of welcome.

For this event,  the virtual floor will be opened for questions and comments from audience members.
Sponsored by the Eastside Freedom Library and Ramsey County Historical Society