Local Redistricting 101 - LWV Woodbury/Cottage Grove

Local Redistricting 101 - LWV Woodbury/Cottage Grove



Online via Zoom - Registration Required
Monday, February 22, 2021 - 7:00pm to Tuesday, February 23, 2021 - 6:45pm

Local Redistricting 101 

Ensuring fair redistricting (preventing gerrymandering) is a significant priority for the League in 2021. We hear a lot about redistricting on the state level, but many of us are just beginning to learn about redistricting in our various local levels of government.

Guest Speakers:

Stan Karwoski is a Washington County Commissioner, serving District 2 since 2016. He was serving his fourthterm on the Oakdale City Council when elected mayor in 2014. He is past presidentand current member of the 622 Education Foundation, and past chairman and member of the Washington County Park and Open Space Commission.  Stan is also a LWV WCGA member.

Kathy Tingelstad, a member of LWV ABC,  was a state representative from 1996-2008 and was a part of state redistricting in 2001.She was then the Anoka County Government Affairs director during the 2011redistricting process at the county level. She is  involved with LWV MN People Powered Fair Maps™ team for local redistricting training and support to local leagues.