Looking Back to Look Ahead: How 2020 May Guide the Future of Elections - Center for Study of Politics and Governance

Looking Back to Look Ahead: How 2020 May Guide the Future of Elections - Center for Study of Politics and Governance

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Free Online - Registration Required
Wednesday, December 16, 2020 - 3:00pm to Thursday, December 17, 2020 - 2:45pm

 Register for How 2020 May Guide the Future of Elections 

After an unprecedented year, we're taking a look back at the 2020 elections processes. What changed, what issues came to the forefront because of those changes, and what can state legislators and election officials glean from 2020 to make elections in 2022 and beyond even better?

Please join us as we explore these questions with a panel of policymakers and election administrators.


  • Keesha Gaskins-Nathan, Program Director, Democratic Practice–United States, Rockefeller Brothers Fund
  • Mark Goins, Coordinator of Elections, Division of Elections, Tennessee Secretary of State’s Office
  • Senator Daniel Ivey-Soto D-NM
  • Tammy Patrick, Senior Advisor, Elections, Democracy Fund
  • Senator Greg Walker R-IN

Moderated by Wendy Underhill, Director of Elections and Redistricting at NCSL.