The Minneapolis 2021 Budget—Policing, Violence Prevention, and the Community - LWV Minneapolis Civic Buzz

The Minneapolis 2021 Budget—Policing, Violence Prevention, and the Community - LWV Minneapolis Civic Buzz

LWV Minneapolis Civic Buzz


Online via Facebook Live
Tuesday, January 5, 2021 - 7:00pm to Wednesday, January 6, 2021 - 6:45pm
Over the last few months, the Minneapolis City Council, through its budget committee, has reorganized the city’s public safety agenda by shifting dollars, programs and responsibilities of city departments. Our forum will explore the Minneapolis 2021 Budget and its impact on the Minneapolis Police Department, the Office of Violence Prevention, and the community.
  • Medaria Arradondo, Chief of the Minneapolis Police Department
  • Sasha Cotton, Director of the Office of Violence Prevention.
  • Sergeant Kristopher Brown, MPD5th Precinct, manager of the Co-Responder Program 
      • Sergeant Brown implemented the Co-Responder Program until it was suspended in early 2020 due to the COVID pandemic. The Co-Responder Program is a three-year, joint effort of Hennepin County mental health professionals and MPD patrol officers, who as a team respond to calls involving residents experiencing mental health crises.