Nov 9, 2020 Program Meeting - Election Day and Beyond – Let’s Talk…

Nov 9, 2020 Program Meeting - Election Day and Beyond – Let’s Talk…

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Online via Zoom
Zoom Link will be sent to all members by email, Non-members should email LWV ABC at for the Zoom Link
Minnesota US
Monday, November 9, 2020 - 6:00pm to Tuesday, November 10, 2020 - 5:45pm

Time:  6:00 pm Informal Election Discussion,  7:00 pm Improving Our Skills toTalk with People of Different Polital Views

Join us at 6pm on Monday, November 9, to talk about what happened, what’s know and not known, and how we feel about things. We’ll spend an hour on this, maybe over a beverage of your choice, and share what we collectively know and understand in a civil and respectful discussion. Remember – LWV is nonpartisan and we value civil discourse.

At 7:00, we’ll shift gears a bit and Sue Butler will lead a discussion geared at helping us all improve our skills at talking to folks who may not agree with our political views. This is important because we will all need to move ahead in rebuilding relationships and our community and our nation after the election.

Zoom log-in information will be sent to members on November 5; non-members can request the link by emailing lwvabc [at]

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