Real Life Mister Rogers, Part 2: Welcoming Neighbors - Co-sponsored by LWV Roseville Area

Real Life Mister Rogers, Part 2: Welcoming Neighbors - Co-sponsored by LWV Roseville Area

Ramsey County Library Logo


Online - Registration Required
Thursday, October 21, 2021 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm

Register Here for Real Life Mister Rogers, Part 2 

(Registration for Part 1, included registration for both parts of the series.)

Neighbors change over time. When new neighbors also bring a new heritage, bridging cultural differences can be challenging. Longtime residents may be anxious that they may say or do the "wrong" thing. The panel for this program will tackle practical strategies to become welcoming neighbors and building strong and diverse neighborhoods. Panelists will include a social worker known for her ability to link theory and practice in this realm and community members who have navigated the associated challenges. A question-and-answer segment will follow the presentations.

Co-sponsored by LWV Roseville Area, Ramsey County Library, and Do Good Roseville.