What Is The ERA and Why Do We Need It? - March 2023 Program Meeting

What Is The ERA and Why Do We Need It? - March 2023 Program Meeting

LWV ABC Monthly Program Meeting Logo


Online via Zoom
Zoom Link will be sent to members by email, Non-members should email lwvabc@gmail.com for Zoom Link
Minnesota US
Monday, March 13, 2023 - 6:30pm

6:30 pm Socializing

6:45 Online Quiz for Women's History Month

7:00 pm Program

Zoom Link for ERA Program Meeting

Learn about the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), history of inequality in the US, the US and MN Constitutions, why the ERA matters and what action is needed now.

Our speaker will be Suzann Willhite, President of ERA Minnesota (ERAMN).  The non-profit MNERA has two goal: add an Equal Rights Amendment to the Minnesota Constitution through a ballot measure and to enact the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment as the 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution.


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