There are certain terms that are unique to the League of Women Voters - "League Lingo."
ACTION: Promoting the League's positions on local, state, and national public policy to government officials, the media, and the public.
ACTION ALERT: A request from the LWVUS, state or local League to take action in support of a League position.
ANNUAL MEETING: Local League year-end business meeting to elect officers and directors, vote on bylaw changes and adopt a budget and program of work for the next year.
ASSOCIATE MEMBER: A nonvoting member of the League who is under 16 years of age.
BRIEFING PAPER: A research summary written by a committee on a topic already supported by a LWVMN position, which updates and educates members on a state issue chosen at the convention.
CALENDAR PLANNING: Plan of action and meetings for the LWV membership year which includes local, state and national activities.
CALL TO ACTION: A plea to members to participate in a concerted effort to implement a League position by contacting elected officials to request a specific vote on legislation.
CONCURRENCE: The process of reaching a position by adopting the position of another League.
CONSENSUS: The process used to reach member agreement on an issue that has been studied.
CONSENSUS STATEMENT: The collective opinion of a substantial number of League members, representative of the membership as a whole, after study and discussion of an issue. The consensus opinion may be less than unanimity but is more than a simple majority.
CONVENTION: A state or national League meeting held every other year at which delegates from local leagues elect officers, directors, and a Nominating Committee; adopt program; make bylaws changes and adopt a budget. Local Leagues send delegates to state convention; local and state Leagues send delegates to national convention.
COUNCIL: An assembly of delegates held in alternate years to adopt a budget and assess program developments. Local Leagues send delegates to state council, state Leagues send delegates to national council.
COUNCIL OF METROPOLITAN AREA LEAGUES (CMAL): An inter-League organization composed of the local Leagues in the seven-county metropolitan area of the Twin Cities. It follows the Metropolitan Council and deals with issues of regional significance.
EDUCATION FUND: The affiliate of the national, state, or local Leagues that receives tax-deductible contributions to be used only for educational purposes, not for action on issues.
FOCUS MEETING: Meeting for League members and the public that focuses on a specific issue – often held in connection with a study.
HONORARY LIFE MEMBER: A person who has been a member of the League for 50 years or more, who is granted lifetime membership without dues obligation.
INTER-LEAGUE ORGANIZATION (ILO): ILO’s are formed by local Leagues within a county, metropolitan area, or region to act on issues that are beyond the local League area in scope.
LIFE MEMBER: A person who has been a member for 50 years or more. Life members are excused from dues payment and their Leagues pay no per member payment (PMP) for them.
LIVELY ISSUES MEETING: The Lively Issues meeting takes place typically in December or January to suggest which LWVUS and LWVMN current action positions should be retained or dropped and to elicit members; suggestions for studies for the next one or two years. The information is sent to LWVUS and LWVMN for consideration.
LOBBYIST: A volunteer League member who promotes League positions at some level of government with the approval of the appropriate board.
MEMBER-AT-LARGE (MAL): A member who is not enrolled in a local League, but who is a member of the state and national Leagues.
NONPARTISAN POLICY: League does not support or oppose any political party or candidate for public office.
OBSERVER: A trained League member who attends meetings of a government body in order to report on the processes used and the issues on the agenda.
PER MEMBER PAYMENT (PMP): The dues paid by local Leagues to state and national affiliate on behalf of each member, in an amount determined by delegates at the biennial conventions.
POSITION: A statement of the League's point of view on an issue, arrived at through member study and agreement (consensus or concurrence), approved by the appropriate board and used as a basis for League action.
PRINCIPLES: Good government standards and policies supported by the League as a whole. The Principles constitute the authority for adoption of program at all levels.
PROGRAM: Selected governmental issues chosen by members at the local, state and national levels for study and action.
PROGRAMS: Plans for speakers, discussions, or other activities for League meetings.
SPEAKING WITH ONE VOICE: Uniformity of League messages. Only the League president or designee is authorized to speak for the League.
STATE UNIT: A state recognized group of members in an area where there is not local LWV. The state unit usually works to become a local League.
STUDENT MEMBER: A person enrolled in an accredited institution.
STUDY: Study is an area of concern that is adopted at National or State convention that merits intense study and consensus action by Local Leagues to become part of the Program. Local Leagues also adopt studies when there is not a position at another level of League under which action can be taken.
VOTER GUIDE: Nonpartisan publication giving candidate qualifications and positions on selected issues, as well as explanations of ballot questions.
VOTER SERVICE: Year-round activity to help people be politically effective and to encourage their participation in the political process. Registering voters and presenting factual, nonpartisan information on candidates and election issues are basic voter service activities.
VOTING MEMBERS: All League members who are residents of the U.S. and at least 16 years old.