League in the Spotlight: LWV of Wisconsin Rapids Area

League in the Spotlight: LWV of Wisconsin Rapids Area

Member's Spotlight

LWV of WISCONSIN RAPIDS AREA has been actively informing citizens about the importance of transparency and accountability in government for the past several years by posting on their website, a compilation of Wisconsin Open Meetings Law. At its heart, this law requires governmental bodies to give advance public notice of each of their meetings and to conduct all of their business in open session, unless an exemption to the open session requirement applies. The law protects our right as citizens to know and, in the process, builds citizen trust and confidence in our elected officials. An essential function of the League’s Observer Corps program is to monitor compliance with Open Meetings Law so every local League should follow the excellent example set by the Wisconsin Rapids Area League and include a link to Wisconsin Open Meetings Law on their websites. Click here to view the 2018 Wisconsin Open Meetings Law Compliance Guide in full. We can all serve as guardians of the truth by making sure it is out there for everyone to oversee.

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