Groups Urge Absentee Ballots be Sent to Every Wisconsin Voter

Groups Urge Absentee Ballots be Sent to Every Wisconsin Voter

Wisconsin Capitol July

MADISON – Several groups concerned about voter access are coming together to advocate that every registered voter be mailed an absentee ballot – and for other provisions – that would allow for a safe and fair election during the unprecedented COVID-19 situation. 

Last week, the groups (listed below) sent a letter to Gov. Tony Evers, the state legislature, and the Wisconsin Elections Commission calling on elected representatives and state leaders to increase opportunities for every person in Wisconsin to cast an absentee ballot. 

Read the letter here. 

The coalition is asking that legislative and state leaders ensure an absentee ballot is issued to every registered voter in the state, making it easier to safely participate in democracy during the Spring Election and Presidential Primary. 

The groups are also urging Wisconsinites to request an absentee ballot immediately to ensure their voices are heard. 

“This unprecedented situation calls for immediate action on the part of our elected representatives to ensure that every single voter in Wisconsin has the opportunity to safely participate in our democracy,” said Executive Director Debra Cronmiller of the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin. “Absentee voting offers advantages over a traditional polling place, especially now. It will keep all of us safer, and help people across the state make their voices heard in this important election.” 

The groups include: 

● All Voting is Local 

● African American Roundtable 

● American Civil Liberties Union of Wisconsin 

● Black Leaders Organizing Communities 

● Campaign Legal Center 

● Fair Elections Center 

● League of Women Voters Wisconsin 

● Metcalfe Park Community Bridges, Inc. 

● Wisconsin Democracy Campaign 

● Wisconsin Conservation Voices 

● Wisconsin Voices 

Each group is continuing to advocate for quick action as the April 7 election day nears, including by asking its membership to take action by contacting the legislature and its leaders, the governor, and the Wisconsin Elections Commission to urge quick action as the April 7 election day nears 

The letter and group action also asks to: 

Mail an absentee ballot to every registered voter. The absentee ballots must include pre-paid return postage and a list of options for casting them. 

● Shift emergency funds and staff to support the clerks’ offices in these efforts 

● Fund a public information campaign to inform voters about absentee voting and keep them apprised of any changes to the process 


The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin is a nonpartisan political organization that advocates for informed and active participation in government. There are 20 local Leagues throughout Wisconsin. More information at



March 24, 2020

Contact: Debra Cronmiller, Executive Director                                                              

608-256-0827; dcronmiller [at]

League to which this content belongs: 