Urge Your Legislators to Attend the Special Session on Police Accountability and Transparency

Urge Your Legislators to Attend the Special Session on Police Accountability and Transparency

Graphic with text, "Action Alert: Because Democracy is Not a Spectator Sport"
Time Range For Action Alert: 
September 1, 2020 to September 9, 2020

Last week, after Jacob Blake was shot in the back seven times by a police officer in Kenosha, Governor Tony Evers signed an Executive Order to convene a Special Session on police accountability and transparency. The session was scheduled to begin Monday, August 31 at Noon; however, both the State Senate and State Assembly lacked the attendance to actually convene.

Reacting to the deaths and bodily harm of citizens in various parts of our state and nation, this session will allow legislators to focus on proposals to prevent such violence from happening again in Wisconsin.

On Sunday, the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin sent letters to Senate Majority Leader Fitzgerald and Assembly Majority Leader Fitzgerald, as well as to the rest of the legislature Monday morning. We believe it is important for our elected officials to give police accountability and transparency the energy and urgency it deserves to develop practices, procedures and potential funding reallocation to more effectively protect people and promote public safety.

LWVWI’s ​law enforcement positions​ support locally developed policy by cooperative efforts of citizens and law enforcement agencies using state guidelines, but reflecting local needs. Contact your legislators, tell them of your community's needs in regard to law enforcement and encourage them to fulfill their responsibility as elected representatives.

Join us in this call to action. 
Contact your legislators and urge them to participate in this important and timely special session.