

Join the League as a Member at Large!

If there is not a local League in your community, join the state League as a Member-at-Large.

The League of Women Voters is a national network of people who improve their communities by:

  • Educating the public
  • Voting and helping others vote/register to vote
  • Communicating with our elected officials
  • Encouraging people to run for office

Complete the form below to join the State League as a Member-at-Large. Joining as a member at large in the state League automatically makes you a member of the League of Women Voters of the United States.  

NOTICE TO STUDENTS If there is no local League in your immediate area, membership at the state level of the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin is free of charge to full or part-time students (minimum age 16). To sign up and learn more about student membership at the state level, please email the state office at lwvwisconsin [at] The League welcomes your energy and passion to help us in our mission: Empowering Voters, Defending Democracy.

OPEN DOOR MEMBERSHIP: Dues you are comfortable paying

Are you sure you're trying to join with the WI State League?

If you are trying to join a League in your community, this is not the place! If you want to join the local League in your area, you must do so directly through their website or by calling them. Find your local League here.

Still want to join LWVWI as a Member-at-Large? Click here or below to be directed to our membership portal.

Join/Renew Button for Redirect to Membership Site


Interested in Forming A Local League in Your Community?

The State League office works with interested citizens groups in areas of the state where there are no local Leagues. If you live too far from a local League to participate in their community-based voter services and advocacy work, please contact  Brandi Rodriquez, LWVWI Membership and Events Manager, BRODRIQUEZ [at], or call our office 608-256-0827.  We will gladly visit your community for public and/or private presentations on the history of the League, its mission, work, and organizational management. We are prepared to help local citizens work together to form a local League in their communities.