State Superintendent of Public Instruction

State Superintendent of Public Instruction

Fact sheet of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction

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State Superintendent of Public Instruction

What is the State Superintendent of Public Instruction?

  • Head of Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
  • Oversees public schools and libraries
  • Seeks and promotes ways to improve schools
  • Evaluates performance of schools
  • Elected to serve a four year term
  • This is a nonpartisan office with no term limit

What does the Department of Public Instruction Do?

  • Provides guidance and technical support to public schools
  • Reviews and approves library staff, school administrator, and educator training programs and licenses
  • Ensures that school districts meet their responsibilities to student with disabilities as required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
  • Proposes a state education budget to the governor
  • Distributes funding to public schools and libraries
  • Administers the Wisconsin Education Services Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and the Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired

The state superintendent of public instruction makes an impact on Wisconsinites' lives. Their decisions impact:

  • School curriculum choices
  • Education for children with disabilities
  • Educate quality
  • Public library resources
  • Educational opportunities

How do you decide who to vote for?

1. Decide what you are looking for in a candidate

  • What issues are important to you?
  • What qualities do you want in a leader?
  • Which candidate's priorities align with your values?

2. Learn about the candidates

  • Visit their websites. Watch candidate forums and interviews. Visit Seek other nonpartisan sources for information.
  • What are their qualifications?
  • What are their priorities?

3. Sort it out.

  • Which candidate's priorities and views on the role best match your own views?
  • Who seems most prepared for the job?
  • Who has the leadership qualities you are looking for?