Bystander Intervention 2.0 - Conflict De-Escalation Workshop

Bystander Intervention 2.0 - Conflict De-Escalation Workshop

Bystander Intervention to Stop Anti-Asian American and Xenophobic Harassment


Online - Registration Required
Wednesday, April 21, 2021 - 3:00pm to Thursday, April 22, 2021 - 2:45pm

Register for Bystander Intervention 2.0

If you’ve already taken our Bystander Intervention training and you’re looking to go deeper into how to directly intervene and de-escalate conflict: this training is for you. Conflict de-escalation requires patience, a willingness to listen, and an ability to see the humanity in everyone, even those we don’t agree with or who seek to hurt us. Using Hollaback!’s Observe-Breathe-Connect methodology, we’ll learn how to identify potential conflict before it escalates using our “pyramid of escalation” and how to assess whether intervening is the right action for you. We’ll talk about specific biases that are increasing conflict, harassment, and violence during COVID19 — and the role of implicit and explicit bias in conflict. We’ll also learn how to connect with others by validating and de-escalating their feelings — even if we don’t understand them or agree with them.  We’ll have time at the end to practice using real-life scenarios.