LWV Upper Mississippi River Region ILO Annual Meeting and Conference May 22
The LWV Upper Mississippi River Region Inter-League Organization (LWV UMRRILO) will hold its Virtual Annual Meeting and Conference on May 22, 2021. The business meeting will take place from 9 to 10 a.m., followed by an educational session from 10:15 to 11:30 a.m.
The educational session will focus on a new federal initiative - the Mississippi River Restoration and Resilience Initiative. This act, initiated by Congresswoman Betty McCollum (MN - 4th Congressional District) will establish a program to fund cleanups and help cities along the river to become more resilient in the face of climate change. The session will include recorded comments from Rep. McCollum and speakers that will describe the initiative and what organizations like LWV UMRR can do to help get it passed.