Fair Districts NC Webinar: Case Studies from NC's 20-Year Court Battle for Racial Equity in Local Government

Fair Districts NC Webinar: Case Studies from NC's 20-Year Court Battle for Racial Equity in Local Government

may 26 fair districts nc webinar graphic
Wednesday, May 26, 2021 - 5:00pm to Thursday, May 27, 2021 - 4:45pm

This month’s webinar continues our discussion with distinguished NCCU Law Professor Irving Joyner on North Carolina’s 20-year history of court battles to secure fair representation for Black residents on county commissions and other local bodies. More than 60 cases were brought across the state between 1984 and 2004 under the Voting Rights Act to challenge biased county commission election methods. Many of these cases led to court orders that remain in place today and apply to this year’s redrawing. This session will focus on some of the most dramatic cases, delving more deeply into how local citizens and state organizations—particularly the NAACP—used the Voting Rights Act to undo racial gerrymandering. Our state’s history has a lot to teach us, not only how we got where we are now but what we need to do to move forward. 

Watch previous Fair Districts NC webinars on our YouTube channel. 

Register for the May 26 webinar here

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