State and Local Tax Policy Committee

State and Local Tax Policy Committee

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Support an equitable and efficient system of taxation in North Carolina that will adequately fund needed services at both the state and local level... 


Webinars       I     Documents and Reports     I       Other Resources


LWVNC has approved an updated State and Local Tax Policy Position.

The LWVNC Tax Policy Review Committee, formed after the 2023 State Convention, led  a statewide review of LWVNC’s tax policy position adopted in 1989, which resulted in LWVNC Board approval of an updated position on June 13, 2024.

The Tax Policy Review Committee conducted a series of four webinars to demonstrate to LWVNC members why the current tax policy position needed to be revised and worked to member agreement on a revised LWVNC tax policy position that is timely, effective, and facilitates advocacy efforts. Member agreement was reached through concurrence in the fifth and final session held on June 6, 2024.





Webinars Held in Early 2024

1. Understanding
 Current NC Tax Policy, January 23, 2024. Do you know what is driving NC’s current state and local tax policies, who are the influencers, how state tax legislative proposals are evaluated, and the impact on the state’s economy and residents? To find out the answers to these questions and more, you will want to view this webinar session. Alexandra Forter Sirota, Executive Director, NC Budget & Tax Center was the guest speaker.

View January's webinar. LWVNC Tax Policy Review Webinar: Understanding Current NC Tax Policy. (

2. Equity and North Carolina State & Local Taxes, February 20, 2024. Ken Klase, DPA, provided information on the types of state and local taxation, including their pros, cons, and equity issues. View slides (pdf) from webinar. View Q&A with Ken Klase. 

View February's webinar. LWVNC Tax Policy Review Webinar: The Pros, Cons, and Equity Issues of NC State and Local Tax Policy ( 

3. Benefits and Drawbacks of Lower Corporate Taxes, April 4, 2024. A panel discussion moderated by Deborah Goldstein, Executive Director, NC Leadership Forum, Duke University. The panelists were: 

    • Gene McLaurin – Chairman, Economic Development Partnership of NC.
    • Holley Ulbrich, Alumni, Distinguished Professor Emerita of Economics, Clemson University
    • Alexandra Forter Sirota, Executive Director, NC Budget & Tax Center.

View April's webinar. LWVNC Tax Policy Review Webinar: Benefits and Drawbacks of Lowering Corporate Taxes (

4. Navigating Tax Policies: Insights from Three State League of Women Voters, May 9, 2024.  Representatives from SC, VA, and TN State Leagues discuss their respective state tax policy position statements and how successful their advocacy has been. 

  • South Carolina - Dr. Holley Ulbrich, a member and past co-president of the LWV of South Carolina, and a respected economist specializing in SC local and state government revenues
  • Virginia - Denise Harrington, a member and current Advocacy Director of the LWV of Virginia. She is a retired school teacher who has advocated for the largest teachers union in Virginia.
  • Tennessee - Ethel Detch, a member of the LWV of Tennessee and former legislative and policy analyst for the state auditor’s office

View May's webinar via YouTube. 

5. June 6, 2024 virtual meeting worked toward member agreement on a revised LWVNC tax policy statement for submission to the LWVNC Board for review and approval. 

View slides from June’s concurrence session

Documents and Reports

Other Resources