League action occurs at every level of government after members reach a position on an issue. A League “position” is defined as: (1) a set of guidelines by which proposed government action can be measured; or (2) an expression of League goals against which proposed government action can be evaluated. League boards, with this guidance from the membership, can then study proposed legislation or regulations, and have the flexibility to work with others to achieve our goals. The League board decides whether to support or oppose proposed measures on specific issues.
The State League may use national positions for action on state issues and on issues in the state program that delegates to state conventions have voted to continue. Local Leagues may also take action within their jurisdiction based on state and national positions. If any action has the potential to affect Leagues in other states, the State League consults with the National League and with the affected Leagues. If Local League actions would impact Leagues in other communities or have an impact beyond the borders of that particular League community, it is necessary for that Local League Board to consult with the State and/or National League and the other affected Leagues. Most importantly, members should support the action, be kept informed, and have opportunities for discussion and evaluation.
Complete Guides to LWV Public Policy Positions
LWVNC – By Category
Quick Reference for Issues
Summary of Policy Positions
Positions for Action
Representative Government
Natural Resources
Social Policy
Appendix A: Consensus and Concurrence
Appendix B: LWVNC Bylaws Article XIII
Appendix C: Steps for League Studies
Appendix D: LWV Education Fund Clearinghouse
Download our trifold brochure, "Committed to Action: Influencing Public Policy."