Voter Resources

  Voter Resources

vote and make sure your vote counts is a non-partisan online voter guide brought to you by the League of Women Voters Education Fund that provides critical election information. You can use to register to vote, confirm that your registration is up to date, find your polling place, get early voting information, learn about the candidates, and more.


Be sure to share this resource with others – offers meticulously researched bilingual (English and Spanish) election information in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. 


"I have used the guide since I became an American citizen and started to vote.  Thank you for helping me understand the issues important to our community. " – a VOTE411 user

"Was a first-time user and found it easy to use and very helpful in making my choices. I use it almost every day during early voting to point friends/family/voters towards a single location with nonpartisan info… It is indispensable!" – a VOTE411 user

vote411 phone screenshot

Through VOTE411, you can:

– Register to vote/check your registration

– Check that the Board of Elections has your current address

– See all your voting districts, your election day voting location, and your sample ballot when it becomes available for the upcoming election


screenshot showing upcoming election dates– Use the North Carolina Section to learn how to vote absentee by mail, what ID you need to bring with you when you vote, where the early voting locations are for the next election, and more

– Closer to the election, you can enter your address into the Personalized Voting Information section to find out what's on your ballot and to read candidates' responses on the issues

screenshot of vote411

How Votes Are Counted in North Carolina

Be sure to watch our new video that goes into further detail about what happens once the polls close on Election Day – it covers how ballots are counted, what safeguards are in place to prevent double voting, how results become official in the days following an election, and more! 

More Videos:

Questions about voting in North Carolina? Reach out to communications [at] for assistance. 

key dates general election 2024


Public or Members Only?: 
Public - accessible to everyone