The League of Women Voters (LWV) is an organization fully committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in principle and in practice. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are central to the organization’s current and future success in engaging all individuals, households, communities, and policy makers in creating a more perfect democracy.
Why it matters
Discrimination or harassment of any kind will not be accepted within the League, including but not limited to race, socio-economic status, age, ability status, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, gender identity, or marital status. The League is committed to fostering, cultivating, and preserving a culture of diversity, equity, inclusion, access, and belonging for all people. The League is an organization that respects and values the richness of our community and our members. The collective sum of our individual differences and life experiences represents not only our culture, but our reputation and the organization's mission and achievements as well.
La discriminación o el acoso de cualquier tipo no serán aceptados dentro de la Liga, incluyendo pero no limitado a raza, estatus socioeconómico, edad, capacidad, religión, orientación sexual, origen nacional, identidad de género o estado civil. La Liga se compromete a fomentar, cultivar y preservar una cultura de diversidad, equidad, inclusión, acceso y pertenencia para todas las personas. La Liga es una organización que respeta y valora la riqueza de nuestra comunidad y nuestros miembros. La suma colectiva de nuestras diferencias individuales y experiencias de vida representa no solo nuestra cultura, sino también nuestra reputación y los logros y la misión de la organización.
What we’re done
Joined the LWVPA Equity Initiative - LWVPA Equity Initiative Page
- Helped develop the LWVPA DEI Learning Modules - CLICK HERE
Added a DEI initiative to our Local Program - CLICK HERE
- LWVCDC DEI Committee Report 2022-2023 - CLICK HERE
- Featured story in the LWV PA Communicator (Sept. 2021 Pages 10 & 11)- CLICK HERE
- Collaborated with our Civic Education Committee on a Hot Topic Presentation -
Partnered with the NAACP Media Branch on our Civic Education Committee programs which included topics on criminal justice reform.
Civic Education: Juvenile Justice in the Era of Pandemic & BLM - November 2020
Partnered with the Delaware County Youth Education Alliance to conduct voter registration drives, supported events such as Black Lives Matter and women rights issues.
Partnered with other Leagues in our region to conduct a People Powered Fair Maps event.
Co-Sponsored the Vigil to Protect Voting Rights with LWV Delaware County and the NAACP Media Branch - Video of event - CLICK HERE
Offered and networked with environmental organizations and health organizations with a focus on environmental justice. Examples of past efforts include:
- Environmental Health Priorities in Delaware County (Jeannette Ross Program) March 2023
- Hot Topic - Getting the Lead Out: Keeping Our Children Safe - February 2023
Jeannette Ross Environmental Lecture - Natural Gas on the Move NGL or LNG: Pick Your Poison - April 2021
Hot Topics: Environmental RISKY BUSINESS Impacting Delaware County, PA - August 2020
Hot Topics: Pipelines, Pandemic and the Environment - June 2020
What we’re doing
Continue to co-sponsor events with other nonpartisan community organizations focusing on DEI issues such as Delaware County Youth Education Alliance and the NAACP Media Branch.
Outreach to a variety of community organizations currently including:
- Making a Change Group (Chester)
Work toward establishing the following programs/projects
Bail Watch Program with Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts
League of Women Voters Young People Task Force - modeled after LWV National
What can you do
Join our DEI Committee
Suggest other groups that might be interested in networking to advance DEI
Embrace the LWVPA DEIBA initative
Review - What to Ask When Examining Your Work Through a DEI Lens
Register for LWV DEI Webinars & Events posted on our website
Visit the following Websites
View Multimedia Resources
- Hot Topic/DEI Presentation: The Untold Story of Women of Color in the League of Women Voters - November 2021
TED Talk Video - Color Blind or Color Brave
TED Talk Video - The Danger of a Single Story
For additional information or to join the committee contact League Members and DEI Committee Co-Chairs: amosakowski [at] gmail.com (Anne Mosakowski) and/or cyungmann [at] gmail.com (Cathy Yungmann).