Harvesting Our Heritage

Harvesting Our Heritage

Graphic with red background that reads "Harvesting our Heritage: learn more about food sovereignty and the integrity of traditional indigenous diets" with a photo of two people canoeing
Monday, November 22, 2021 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, we would like to celebrate the accomplishments of those advancing Indigenous food sovereignty with a thought-provoking discussion on the topic. Join us for a virtual panel discussion on Monday, Nov. 22 at 6 p.m. Speakers will explore the principles behind food sovereignty and the integrity of the traditional Indigenous diet. Attendees will learn about the significance of many of our traditional foods, the ways in which those foods continue to be used to this day, and how the current climate crisis impacts those food sources.

We’re honored to be joined by Jennifer Falk and Joel Greeno for this discussion. Jennifer Falk operates Kahulahele Farmstead with her husband and daughter on the Oneida Reservation. On their farm, they use restorative agriculture, micro food systems, conscious animal husbandry, and building resilience through bartering. 

Joel Greeno serves as the president of Family Farm Defenders, a nonprofit organization that works to support farm and food worker rights, racial justice, and food sovereignty to name just a few of its focuses.